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Per Page Jumlah Rekod
No. Activity Time Location
1. RESEARCH OFFICER SEMINAR SERIES (ROSS) 1/2024: Microdata linking individual and household variables: Lessons and Experience from the household expenditure survey (HES) using IBM SPSS 03-04-2024 - 03-04-2024 Google Meet
2. How to accelerate a Systematic Literature Review (SLR)? AI-Powered Literature Search Strategies 07-02-2024 - 07-02-2024 Google Meet
3. Sesi Perkongsian Halatuju Penyelidikan UPM Bersama Pegawai Penyelidik 14-11-2022 - 14-11-2022 Mini Auditorium 1, Aras 3, Bangunan Pejabat TNCPI